Personal data

1- The processed data

The information collected through this site is exclusively for the owner, none of this information will be sold or communicated to a third party.

In accordance with the provisions of the law n ° 78-17 of January 6th, 1978 relative to the computing, the files and the liberties, you have a right of access, rectification, modification and suppression concerning the relative to you.

For this you can contact us either via the contact form.


  • Purposes of data processing : Allow the processing of the online registrations
  • Categories of data processed : 
    • Identity : Firstname, Lastname, Full address, ...
    • Billing informations : Firstname, Lastname, Full address, ...
    • Contacts : E-mail, Telephone, ...
    • Reception information : Accommodation, Diet, ...
  • Categories of people : Registred users to the event
  • Data recipients : Dakini PCO
  • Data transfers outside the EU : No information will be transmitted to a third party outside the European Union. Minimal personal data will be only transmitted to logistical partners as hotels, venues or transfer companies, within the EU.
  • The duration of the conversation : All Datas will be deleted after the meeting and will not be used or kept for any use. 


The following data is collected for the purpose of ensuring the proper functioning of the website and our mailboxes.

  • web server :
    • date / time of connection
    • address of the requested resource (page / image / ...)
    • IP address
    • software used ("user agent")
    • technical data: protocol, standard, type of request, answer returned, weight of data ...
  • mail server:
    • date / time of connection (sending and receiving)
    • the address (es) mail
    • IP address
    • technical data: protocol, standard, type of request, answer returned, result of anti-spam and anti-viral analyzes, server-to-server connection data ...


  • A session ID cookie: PHPSESSID. Created by Apache, it temporarily identifies a unique user.
  • A load balancing cookie: SERVERID. Created by HAProxy, it improves navigation (availability, speed) on the website.
  • Analytics measurement cookies ("analytics")
    • Created by Piwik (1), it temporarily identifies a single user for the purpose of generating statistics of site visits.
    • Created by Piwik (1), it distinguishes new visitors from regular visitors in order to generate statistics of site visits.
  • Persistent cookies customizing the user interface
    • X_LANG. Created by, it stores the language used by the user.
    • X_LAST_VISIT. Created by, it allows to know the date of the last visit of a user.
  • Cookies tiers :
      Videos from YouTube can be embedded on some pages of our websites. If the user decides to view them, cookies can be placed on his terminal, which we warn him beforehand. The number of cookies uploaded by YouTube varies, but almost all of them have a lifespan of one year or more.

2 - The security measures of the stored data

Detailing all the security measures is almost impossible but here is a non-exhaustive list of these :

  • Weekly anti-viral analysis of our website
  • Anti-spam and anti-viral analysis of incoming and outgoing mails
  • Strong encryption of the words of our passwords
  • Restricted access rights on files
  • "Lesser privilege" firewall rules
  • HIDS (automatic blocking of attackers / suspicious behavior / after too many authentication failures).
  • Encrypted and remote backups on another server and in another datacenter
  • Watch out for security breaches of our tools and on bulletins issued by CERTFR
  • Watch on the good practices and recommendations of the ANSSI
  • Isolation of websites and tools

3 - Data retention period

Data type DUA data type (Administrative useful life)
USERS DATA These data are kept indefinitely. 
SERVERS LOGS Mandatory legal duration: 13 months
PHPSESSID expires at the end of the session
SERVERID expires at the end of the session expires at the end of the session 13 months
X_LANG 1 year

(1) Piwik is a free and open source software for statistical measures for websites, Piwik is an alternative to Google Analytics.
Piwik / Matomo is configured to anonymize the data it collects.
(2) In computer and telecommunications, a session is a period during which a computer device - here your computer - is in communication with a server - here our server.
Once your connection is interrupted (disconnection of the site, closing of the browser, ...) your session is closed.